Senior IRGC General: The Americans Are Concealing Their Casualties from ...

Sure you have your terror cells around the world ready to strike but know this, if you do anything outside your own borders, I will make sure you and your kind also all around the world gets exterminated you lizard, the only ones I will have mercy on is your kids, everyone else that has shilled for you will be on that very special list of mine, I have stated this before, Salami, if it would take millions of you to get rid of and wipe out, I will make no mistake on this, you will never win this, what will happen is millions of you aboard get wiped out as if they never existed, so go on and make empty threats, you have no idea what you have done and what will happen to you all if you make one of the mistakes you brought up, see you when I see you, Salami, najest, kesafat, you corrupt son of a bitch, your 13 Imam Khomejni, when I am finished with you all, his mausoleum will be leveled with the ground and turned into a dog park, I promise you this, and anyone adding you will face the same fate.
