Slow-motion milk bloom into tea

Every time I see this picture with milk being poured into this beautiful tea my heart just starts to ache, its actually difficult so see this beautiful color of tea being diluted with milk, and here is the thing, people in Asia from its eastern part to its western parts, we all drank tea like normal people would do and have done so for ages, and we liked it that way, then the Brits came and thought, hmm lets put a touch of ourselves and pour some milk in it, and after that everything went sideways, I mean how can you be this heartless to change this very unique and beautiful color of tea man I dont get it, and it changes its taste completely, look when the Brits hijacked my dear dear boat and put me in one of their concentration refugee camps, I got a taste of this British tea, and honestly, it taste like boiled grass, it really does taste like grass, and this made me think that the Indians fucked with the Brits by hiding the real good stuff the good tea and introduced regular grass as tea to the Brits so they could take that one back to where they came from while keeping the good stuff for themselves, and here you have the Brits ships full of grass sailing back home to Isaac Newton and he obviously didnt like the fact that they got duped by the Indians but now they sit of ship loads of grass they cant just throw in to the river so Newton decided to through alchemy make good use of this grass so he came up with mixing milk which they had plenty of back in England with this grass and called it tea, and in retaliation for what the Indians did was to sail back and 'reeducate' the people of Asia on how to drink THEIR tea instead of what we enjoyed for ages before they came right ?? I dont think many have tasted some real good tea, if you have been fortunate to travel to Iran and drink some of their finest tea, I promise you, you will change your mind of what tea even is, and here is the thing, the best tea is only found where the mollas are at, I am NOT kidding, those bastards drink the best tea there is, and Arabs they dont know how to drink tea either, they por so much sugar in it its crazy, real tea doesnt need anything to be mixed with, its perfect just the way it is, no sugar no no milk no nothing, you have to try it, and now that I have offended just about every one, I feel for some cheap ass tea myself with a lots of sugar because I am angry :)
