Terrorist Attack at Church in France

I must say that I thought more of you two, I really did, I thought perhaps you two could heal the divide somehow but you failed and couldnt, then imagine how it is to live in my world, you wouldnt have lasted a month in my world, both of you showed your ethnic side in a typical Turkish and Armenian way, remember, I grew up with Azaris and an Armenian family in Iran, I think I talked a little bit about it years ago, my two handlers were Iranian Azari and next door neighbor was an Iranian Armenian family, I know both Turks and Armenians, in fact I know things about you that you dont know about yourselves, at least on the Azari side, if I told you what it is you wouldnt believe it so I wont go into it today, someday I will, Ana has a point, it was the Communists who divided up Armenia and gave it to the Turks, and in some of those large pockets of areas Armenians have lived there since a long time, it wouldnt be fair to say they need to move because of some super power came in and created a mess as usual, and here is a point I want Cenk to understand, first of all, where does the Turkish race come from ? from central Asia, it was after the Mongol expansion the Turkish race migrated westwards dow to todays Turkey, and the Turkish race has been on an expansion ever sense, you know in Iran soon half of the population is from a Turkish origins, half of the Iranians are Iranian Azaris, and it was not long ago Azerbaijan was part of Persia, then the communists came from north the Brits from south and thats another story but thats how it went, Iranians unlike other people from the Middle East dont differentiate between races in their own country, the Iranian Azaris are some of the most patriotic Iranians, they offered many martyrs against Saddam the Cursed One, Iranian Azaris fought like any other Iranians, so Iranians because of their culture have succeeded while others in the area have failed, but I want Cenk to see this from another perspective other than the Turkish perspective, people even Arabs are watching and start talking about this expansion, what Erdogan want is a total Turkish alliance, I hope you can hear the alarm bells ringing all over the place because this is the beginning of something big something that can endanger the balance of power and we know all these autocrats and warlords and dictators and criminals that are doing all this not for the good of the people, look we have seen this script before with other autocrats, and it never ended well, having said this, we also have seen how the Armenians behave with throwing pigs in mosques and dance around it, we have seen most ot it, and this is why I say I know the Azaris and the Armenians, and knowing you I dont see anything good coming out of it, because I know how you always go back to your tribes, you have both a shortcomings people of true faith doesnt have, true people of faith sees beyond ethnicity and heritage and all that, we see a brotherhood a sisterhood we have a huge family outside what you have been bound to limit yourselves with, I had hopes for you to perhaps unite the American Armenians and the Armenian Azaris and by that perhaps when Uncle Joe is elected perhaps more things could have been done to let both the Turks and the Armenians know, we here in America mean business, there is a new world and no one fuckes around, or we will sanction them and many others will follow us and thats bad news for any adventurous leader out there looking for trouble, if you two cant come to an understanding, I dont think no one would, not one one, because I would, thats the difference between us ;):) so get along ! make a new video where you talk about how to get somewhere instead of going nowhere, we have to get somewhere because this is bullshit nobody likes to get stuck, in bull shit, I want room service !!!!!!
