The online community mourns the victims of the #NiceAttack

Poor Prophet Mohammad, what they are doing in his name :( he would have rejected them all and all of this but he said it would come to this, he actually spoke extensively about it, and who has shamed him more than others but his own people, I mean the Muslims, look what the shias are doing with all the craziness, look at the Sunnis and their terror cults that has murdered more Muslims than the west have killed, Prophet Mohammad said, there would be nothing left of Islam but its name, and who has created divisions among Muslims more than the Muslims themselves, starting with those who broke off first, the shias, and down the hill it went till here we are today, Christians didnt create divisions among Muslims, the Jews didnt, the Muslims did it to themselves, so on the question of who have made Islam look bad, the Muslims of course, so they are the problem, the religion the faith that is called Islam in my view is flawless otherwise I wouldnt never had subscribed to it, the Holy Quran is REAL if you get the idea, but Prophet Mohammad also talked about what will come before this era during this era and after it and its all happening according to Scriptures, mankind has never ever before in its history been put up against such challenge as we are facing today, this is the era even though there is plenty of accessible information people are more lost than ever before, this is how the Age of Deception looks and feels like, you are living it ! only the wise ones will make it through it I think, the truly wise ones ! 
