Thousands of Iraqis take to streets to mark anti-govt protests anniversary

I understand their frustration and helplessness they feel, I understand you cant do anything to free yourselves on your own, the criminal mollas are too powerful for you to rise up against them, you need help from elsewhere, I hope God finally grant you more of His mercy so you can clean everything up eventually, Inshallah, but here are some of the things you must do, first of all buy weapons and ammo and hide it till the right time comes, next thing you should do is to get in contact with other freedom groups around the world from Hong Kong to Taiwan to Nigeria, what I want all of you to do is to on weekly basis fax a report to each group and report your status to each other, tell about your experiences tell about what you have achieved talk about how you for example the mistakes you made and what experiences you gained from it, what I want ALL these freedom groups from all across the world to send a weekly report to each other mainly to keep and stay in contact, I want the freedom fighters in Nigeria to get in contact with the Iraqi ones, I want everyone to send this official nothing secret report to each other on weekly basis, I want you to educate each other and share your experiences with one another so that this Worldwide Revolutionary Movement grow bigger and bigger till we are strong enough to make ourselves heard and when we are strong enough, the corrupt elites better listen or we will make them hear us, but we need a global movement to do all that, this Evil is a global force and the Good Guys which is us, we need to be equally powerful to take them on, and we will take them on, if I am alive I will take them on, no matter who they are and where they are, Evil and Corruption will not be tolerated not by me, so help us God, Amen.
Make this happen, I want ALL freedom groups to get in contact with each other on weekly basis, stay connected, this is very important !!
