Andy Biggs makes case for withdrawing troops from Iraq, Afghanistan

1:30 its a good question, but Andy never offered any solution s but gave us what he wish or think it will happen when all troops are withdrawn from Afghanistan, this is not how you answer a question of massive magnitude because this will have long going implications for decades to come, I also find it ironic when these same hypocrites criticize President Obama for troop withdrawal from Iraq that we all know led to the rise of ISIL which they ALL agree on as you heard when people like Andy criticized Obama for, now with the knowledge that ISIL has moved and established themselves in Afghanistan, now he propose troops withdraw from there too, knowing ISIL is growing there, but thats just a fraction of the issues at hand in Afghanistan, the other major issue is how Pakistani corrupt military and elites very close to the Chinese Communist Party are opening the way for the communists to get a foothold in Afghanistan via their Pakistani cronies, this is what is happening, I also want to direct this message to the Pakistani people, all your leaders are corrupt and you know it, the fact of the matter is, none of your elites and politicians have done what I have done for you in terms of creating stability in your country than I have, if you recall, I made the drone strikes to stop in your country and the stability it brought with it, you all know if I wouldnt have done what I did at that particular time, you will still live under constant threat of more destabilization, I have created a peace that none of your own leaders have never brought to you, and if you have any sense of honesty you would say that I am right, and I actually didnt do much for that to happen for you, I had all kinds of restrictions yet with what I had you saw what happened, I brought you more peace than any of your own leaders have ever brought to you, so I dont want to hear anything that I dont want whats in your best interest, and if you insist I am of harm something not good, then may God curse you and I mean it, this is my message to the Pakistanis, the fact is, YOUR leaders are cooperating with the Communists, but I guess a good Communist regime is a one that pays you off, you didnt like the Soviet communists, you said they were anti God anti faith and the rest of it, but you have no words to say about these other communists that pays you to keep silent about what they are doing to millions of Muslims and people of faith in their Chinese concentration camps, listen what I am saying is, if you take that communist blood money and feed your families with it, how do you think God will view this, if you think He will favor you, then you have completely lost your minds, and judging from looking at Pakistan today, you are not very much favored, you need to change your ways and you are way behind.
I say no withdraw from Afghanistan or Iraq, we need to say there to keep an eye on things, its for the better, we shouldnt have gone there to begin with but now leaving Afghanistan would mean handing it over to the communists and leaving Iraq means handing it over on a silver plate to the Shia mollas of Iran, and the Iraqi people will never forgive us this time, I say when the mollas of Iran are out of Iraq then we can leave too, but not before.
