AOC Wants Accountability for Trump Allies | The View

It didnt sound controversial to me, AOC represent a big chunk of the Dem party and if they didnt mobilize from the absolute get go we would have been here, I also know this big chunk of the Progressives are young and restless people and they want changes and I am all for that, but let me go back to one of their issues they have on top of their list and that is universal healthcare, its one of my priorities too, but here is reality, I dont see all of  America is ready for that kind of change because if they were they would have elected representatives that would advocate for it and we dont have those numbers yet, I hope with the new generation of both liberals and conservatives that will vote in the coming elections that they would only elect representatives that are brave enough to say what need to be said at all costs, we dont have many such representatives right now, and how this is going to be finances, well there are plans for that too, if I say and promise with my life as deposit that we can offer the best kind of healthcare for (half) of the price of today (and) it would cover everyone, with a public option, who would say no to that, and the way we are going to finance it is through decriminalization of all drugs in the way I have explained before, and I need to remember this always, this initiative with giving free limited hard drugs to addicts will very soon after implemented will lower the addiction rate to after a decade to next to zero, this is how we are going to heal the whole country, by removing this cancer, so the idea is not for people to get high for cheap or for nothing, the purpose is to eliminate drug addiction and I know how to do it, and when its done, we can can keep the insurance companies we dont have to eliminate them as we have spoken about before, we dont have to do that, they can be around, but then they have to be very very helpful also helping us decriminalize all hard drugs and the things I have talked about, if they dont lobby against this, we could still be friends, they would be around, they would in fact make more money, more secure money that is ! and we would also have healed the whole country, and we would still have so much over for so many other things like the autoban I would like to build across America with no speed limits, why should the Germans have it and not us, right ?? for Gods sake, we went to the moon and did alot of other things, we can only be our own worst enemies, nobody can defeat us but God and us  ourselves, not even the Devil can stand against us when we are united, and the devils are making enormous profits from this drug trade, we have to hurt their pockets and I intend to do just that, but I cant do it alone on my own, I need all you reading this to stand beside us and lets do this, we wont get many opportunities like this friends, see as mercy from God, we have to thank Him for taking us this far, rest of the way is what we must take collectively because here is the thing, Evil is (very) organized make no mistake over this, they are powerful and they have almost everything they need to complete their mission, they dont have (It) ;) they will never have it, we have it and we have to decide what we are going to do with it now that its in our hands, I say lets treat them the enemy they are to all living things and everything good, lets start hurting their pockets and see where it will lead us, I am confident it will lead us to where we all want to be, anything better than this, dont you agree ??
