Arab Militants Fighting against Armenia in Azerbaijan

The Middle East is a complicated place and always was but when you have studied it for a while then you see the different players and what they are up to, but its no different than other places because there are always the issue of race and religion makes alliances, the Turks now among themselves are talking about reuniting all Turkish tribes into one, they have this saying, many countries one nation, one big Turkish nation stretching from the central steppes of Asia to the eastern Europe, shia mollas are seeking 'grandiose' plans of similar scale, this is silly of course, because what if others reasoned in that way like what if the Slavic people also went that direction what if the Latins did the same so on and so forth, this is of course not something God has intended, because you can already see how much chaos this way of thinking has created but as dumb as all these people are they wont get the final point before they have messed everything up, again, look many of you in the west are not aware of what these people are saying amongst themselves and when you hear it you will get choked perhaps as I have been, there are always talks about racial divide religious separation from others unlike them like the shia Lebanese and shia Iraqis, the religious of them, they now are saying amongst themselves that the Iranian government is now ruled by Arabs, because the mollas with a black turban are all originally Arabs and they actually rule Iran, so the fanatic Lebanese and Shia Iraqis say they have their people running Iran, so they are happy, I promise you, ask any shia Iraqi or shia Lebanese and ask them if the mollas are Persians or Arabs and they will proudly say Arabs, I dont want people to take me wrong here, I honest to God have no anti racial cell in my body, I dont care how people look like, when I see a person, the first question on my mind is, will this person be beneficial to society or will this person be of no good use, this is what I ask myself before anything, then you can look like aliens for all I care, will you be productive or will be destructive thats all I need to know, and I have judged these mindless corrupt cult followers to be the worst there is, because like in this video, these Jihadi mercenaries because thats what they are, they can say God is great all they want and yes God is great when He throws all of them into hellfire for being as evil as they are, because we all know there went there for the money and not for some kind of holy jihad or something, its all phony, so why would Turkey now hire these brutal mercenaries, if this is a holy war for you Turkey, why dont you send your own kids to die as martyrs if thats what you cherish and speak so highly of, why are you paying others to do the dirty job for you, people with any kind of functioning brain can see that this has nothing to do with any damn holy war but the adventurous nature of a small numbers of corrupt leaders starting something they wont be able to finish, and now many people have died for perhaps believing what they were fed, but the problem is deeper than this, the problem again goes back to the issue race, and religions are not used by both sides to draw more and more people to their death for again, the playful nature of some self serving leaders, I cant see how this will end well, I just cant, wouldnt it better if people just stayed in their own lands improving their own living standards in cooperation with the rest of the free world, I think that would be something they should consider, live and let live or live by your sword and go down with it.
