Azerbaijani soldier recites first adhan in Susha

I am going to be very critical on this now, in fact I am very angry over it, the question on peoples mind watching this should be, who are you calling to prayers ? you have just forced a large Christian population out of their homes, I am not going into any of historical arguments, I am just saying you just forced out a Christian population from their homes their city and now, how many Muslim natives do you think are out there for you to right after taking over that area go on some roof top and shouting out for them to come for prayers, well we know there are no Muslims there but the Turkish army, you did this to antagonize your opponent you just defeated in the worst way possible, I know you are used to have a million mosques in a one neighborhood all on loudspeakers shouting out and call for prayers as if was a normal thing, as if Prophet Mohammad was here he would have approved of it, he wouldnt, I bet my head that he wouldnt, I would bet my life on it, he wouldt because it sounds like madness, its too extreme, it doesnt serve the purpose of what it was intended to be, now mosques are competing with each other on who got the loudest speaker, its not normal, and to humiliate those from another religion in their defeat like this is something people did in more barbaric times, it shouldnt happen today, you won, be graceful about it, this is disgraceful it really is because I get ashamed to see this, the Turks are choosing the wrong path here under their leadership, its truer now than ever before.
