Biden pushes new COVID-19 plan, world leaders congratulate him | WNT

When the so called Muslim ban is lifted, one way to infuriate the molla regime and its supporters is to only allow Iranian with ZERO connections to anything IRGC to apply for visa,  no family member of anyone even close to IRGC should be allowed to get anywhere near the US, only ordinary Iranians can apply for visa, if Uncle Joe did that, I promise you regime will be closer than ever counted on because this will create a huge rift between the Iranian people and their IRGC captors and the family members of IRGC, this would send a very peaceful and powerful message that we dont like IRGC or anyone breaking bread with them, if you want to mess with a regime you dont like just allow the portion of their population that is anti regime to be allowed to apply for visa to the US and you will minimize that current regime, and the molla regime is the perfect example of such regime, another thing, if this happened the IRGC will be the laughing stock of the whole Iranian people, I mean that would be funny, you want to again peacefully mess with the mollas thats how you do it, I am serious thats how you do it, and you havent spent a penny doing it, its a no brainer :)
