Crowds Gather For Second Day at Black Lives Matter Plaza After Biden Vic...

I will share my thoughts why I see changing names of streets especially the one right outside the WH is not a good idea, the are many reasons why and I will go through a few on my mind, first of all the term BLM is a loaded term and one does not need things loaded when you are trying to make peace between people, anyone should understand that, the term is also very controversial too, right now if you took polls on the issue you would see not very many are in peace with this very loaded term that put ones race in the center of everything, you scare many people off and that’s what has happened, another thing is the fact that BLM is an organization, do you really think its wise to change the name of a very iconic street with the name of an organization, I think it’s a terrible idea, and we know organizations are run by people, and people change, tomorrow this organization or any organization can change for good or for worse, I think it’s a bad idea to bet on something 50/50%, I wouldn’t have done that, I don’t think its appropriate to put the names of any organization on public property, and also, now this will give birth to a whole bunch of far right conspiracy theories, now they have something to talk about for another ten years, now they are going to say,the socialists the communists have taken over government the whole state Washington and boldly changed the names of federal land with communist George Soros and all that so on and so forth, look I don’t want to give them ideas but the fact is that I have seen this before, and some extremists on the left always seems to disregard reality they live in thinking they are going to change the world all red and communists, its not going to happen, so because we all have seen this happen before with how conspiracy theories are made, I now ask of you to get back to your senses, lets not change names of anything, because America would never function well always on one leg if at least 80% of all its citizens are in disagreement, some things should just be common sense, you tore some statues down, I would rather see a referendum and let the majority speak but lets say you got excited and in the heat of everything you tore a few statues of scumbags down, fine, but lets not replace it with something of racial significance from now on, lets not change the statue of a slaveholder with the actual slave, that sort of things, lets put up a grand beautiful fontane instead, nobody would have minded then, the question is, do you want to heal racial issues or do look for scoring personal points, I can spot a fake person, and when I see it I will let people know, I don’t know what more I can at this point so adios amigos, now I want to continue enjoying our victory if you don’t mind, and also, I always have the back of my African American relatives ;) I have GRAND plans for us you are gonna love it I promise ! but thats for later :)
