Crowds gather to react to Joe Biden's presidential victory

I dont agree or like to change the name of streets especially when the same people tore down statues, this is NOT appropriate, it wont do the movement any good, it is in fact harmful, you dont replace a backward ideology with another one, because in the eyes of half of the country this is how it looks like and by affect it wont advance anything, we need to go back to a neutral gear and roll with that for as long as God willing we have a downhill with a straight clear path, dont screw it up !!! 
The slogan black lives matter is nothing wrong with but what it has become at some places and the image it has made for itself is NOT going to fully help the African American community and their strives to get a fair share, you can not get a fair share when half of the country opposes you, you wont get anything done, I am not opposing people associate themselves with many of these sub cults around BLM, what I am saying is, if you change the name of a street right outside the WH, this wont go down well with people and I am trying to help you here by telling you not to take things too extremes, be a moderate African American citizen of this country and things will work out like that, you have a much greater chance to get somewhere when you havent gone to extremes, again I am trying to help you and your cause here, in fact I think I am doing you more good than you are doing to yourself, dont change the name, let it be.
