EXCLUSIVE i24NEWS Poll: Who Do Israelis Want to See in the Prime Ministe...

You dont have one single moderate there let alone someone a bit progressive, they are all right wingers and some of them are at the very extreme, it seems like the more extreme you are the more people will likes you and votes for you there, have all the sensible Jews left Israel to the west and other places, or are our crazies moving down there instead, I think both cases are correct, the question next is, how can you ever make peace when all your officials are at the end of things all the time, and I heard yesterday that lighting might have been the cause of Palestinian rockets accidentally fired off towards Israel, I mean how about that, now lightings can also accidentally start WW3, I hope thats not the case of course but it goes to show how volatile things are and we have seen it time after time again with crazy people on both sides who wants to annihilate themselves and others with the rhetorics of war they force feed their people on both sides, its time for people to demand better, anything is better than this, and things can and will be much worse than this if they dont sooner start to demand better.
