Friday Sermon in Iran: We Carried out Cyber Attacks against Israeli Desa...

We can never have peace with these shia mollas around, there will be NO sanction relief as long as these mollas are still in power, there must be a price on their heads instead of playing around with them mollas of Iran, the shia mollas are equally as bad as the sunni jihadis if not worse, how can anyone normalize relations with something dirty and backwards and evil like these lizards, shiaism is a real danger to welfare of the world, we must never encourage them, it is they who must change if they want to join with the rest of global society, I will never ever agree having any relations with these criminals and heroin traders, I wouldnt mind having them all wiped out, and I am pretty sure they will be the mollas, Iranians will soon in time enough do just that, God willing, then the Iranian people will feel how it is to be free for the first time in a long time.
