Hizbullah Leader Hassan Nasrallah on U.S. Elections: "What Kind of Democ...

The cult leader of Party of Satan is not the top terrorist leader alive after Irans Supreme Bastards, a shia cult leader deep involved in the heroin trade and other drug traded, they are involved in human trafficking in pedophilia, I swear to God I dont know how many shia Lebanese connected to the Party of Satan that I know for a fact that they are pedophiles, I know Iranians and Iraqis with close connection to this shia terror cult that are also pedophilesand drug traders, this is how they make their money, and I am also aware of how close the Party of Satan is to the Swedish deep pedophile state, this shit runs deep in Sweden, Sweden is part of it and thats a fact, Sweden is the nest the HQ of these child molesting pedophiles, I have so many stories to tell about their secrets and its all coming out very soon, Sweden should know this, you messed with the wrong man here, I will never stop for anyone till YOU have been brought to justice, just so you know you, you disgusting creeps, you have destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of innocent kids and the world will get to know you for what you really are deep inside, I will force the Dark Side hiding amongst you to come out into the light for the whole world to see how the Dark Side looks like, you will NOT get away with this, you tried to shame me, wait till I am finished with you then, you luciferian filth, when you go down so will the Party of Satan and their shia Sheytan molla cult out of Iran, nobody murders my father and think that I will not wiped them out eventually, nobody !!! Khameneji ! I am coming for you, pedar sag, madar sag.
Nasrala is a terrorist and must be taken out, listen to me IDF ! you have my blessing to take this dirt out anytime you have the chance, you have my blessing on it, you took out his son, now you can take out the rest of his family too long side himself, this criminal Nasrala has too much blood of innocent people on this hand,innocent people that had nothing to do with anything with respect of protecting their home lands against invaders, this shia cult as I said is profiting from the drug trade, it means, each and every one died because of these drugs for any reason, the Party of Satan is responsible for those overdoses those with domestic violence those who stole the money of their children to buy these drugs anyone who has suffered because of this drug trade are responsible for all those miniseries, Nasrala is responsible, if he died today, tomorrow would be a better safer place and thats a fact, the Party of Satan is one of the most absolute most corrupt cults out there, everything they touch turn into ashes, have you forgot the Beirut blast, Nasrala is responsible for that he and the mollas of Iran are, take him OUT !!!
