Iran vows retaliation for nuclear scientist's killing

At first I didnt want to commend on the matter because I thought the guy was perhaps a civilian but when I found out he was a high ranking RIGC cult follower I thought wth no loss there and when I saw these Basiji brainwashed molla cult followers shouting they want war with the US and everyone my first thought was, if you are looking for war and death then why are you not fighting yourselves in Syria die there so you can be 'sent' to paradise instead of sending illiterate young Afghani boys to their deaths in the tens of thousands in Syria doing your and Assads dirty work, still too many people around the world have no clue how dirty these shia mollas are deep inside, they are the dirtiest creatures out there, not worthy of anything really but to be sent to hellfire where they belong, this is my judgment on them, many of you who consider them normal human beings are too naive to reality and what you are seeing in this shia molla cult, in my eyes they are one of the top three worst regimes out there, they deserve NO empathy at all, the less of them the better, NEVER support or aid the mollas in ANYTHING, you are NOT doing mankind any service by that, I am NOT saying the Zionist regime is much better either make no mistake over that, the Zionists in the Holy Land are living with their own Parasite within them they are not aware of, there is a Sickness that has infected all these countries and its people that have left all these people insensitive to themselves and everything surrounding them, this is what they all are suffering from and as long as this is not addressed, mankind will continue to suffer, this is the state of the world, so people shouldnt get themselves too attached to any of these regimes and their cult leaders because all their ideologies were flawed from the get go with a purpose if you have eyes to see you could watch it play out right now.
