Iraqi Hizbullah Brigades-Affiliated Telegram Channel Publishes Video Thr...

If you pull out from Iraq like the friends of the Soviets and the communists we have here wants us to do, this shia cult will transform into something much much more dangerous than Al Qaeda ISIL or any other terror cult you have ever seen, you are making a big mistake leaving these areas to the shia mollas, mark my words on this one, look I have seen countless of these Trump supporters on TV former officials going on RT Soviet Today giving speeches giving them lengthy interviews on why the US should pull out of everywhere, these very Soviet friendly former officials we have here, these so called anti war fake activists, here is the thing, sure it all sounds nice to pull out of everywhere and it would be wonderful to see end of wars but the world is a messy place as one president once said, our adversaries are not pulling out of anywhere, they are instead trying their best to take over places and here we have these so called Libertarians or whatever telling us that its good for the Soviets and the communists to get into other places outside their borders but the US should pull out of everywhere, I sincerely question their motives here, because they cant be that stupid, they see the communists are building their armies like crazy and soon surpass us at least in numbers and that they are on march and here comes these people now officially on Mr Trumps advisory board, these same people going on Soviet Today and employing their message to our people here, I never saw any liberals or people on the left going on these foreign anti American propaganda networks cheering the Soviets and the communists in China, almost every single of those on these foreign networks are people on the right or the far right, so lets not question the loyalty of the liberals and people on the left here, they are not getting paid by the Soviets to go on their networks like some others.
I say this again, we CANNOT leave Afghanistan or Iraq for that matter, not as long as the enemies of the US is on the march, this has to be perfectly understood !!! I am NOT playing around here, this is serious.
