Is 2020 Election a Referendum on America? Part 1 | The View

I think despite the very negative coverage of the protests that was very harmful to the image of what we are trying to do, despite all that I think we got the votes we deserved, we could have done much much better if things wasnt so chaotic, but still we did good, but it couldnt have gone much easier if some didnt do the things they did in the names of the Biden movement and such, things to be considered for the next time, I hope we dont have to see riots again, if some wouldnt have taken to extremes and I am very critical on some on the left, if they had done things better, perhaps the Senate would have gone blue, things like that, its unfortunate but I hope people have learned their lesson, there must be some kind of unity, in fact there has to be a lot of unity to get things done in the future, this has to be the lesson I think.
