Jon Ossoff Challenges David Perdue to Debate Before Georgia Runoff Elect...

We need more of Jon Ossoff :)

To build this new America we need money, and a whole lot of it, at the same time we must lower of costs like when we have nationalized the drug productions lol the way it sounds, nationalized lol but seriously, there is no other way, again when we have done this, you have no idea how much we have assisted the Latin American countries with their many domestic problems as well, and it will absolutely ensure end of migrations northwards, you wont need an expensive wall to keep people out, they wouldnt come here if they didnt have all those problems drug related, we would have solved not only our own problems but theirs too, we would have transformed the North American continent all into a new paradise, and with less fossil fuels burnt, we could work towards making composites much much cheaper, we couldn have built everything from composites then, instead of burning it up when it could have been used for so much else, what a waste, but we have to start somewhere and I just told you from what end, its not just enough to decriminalize the drugs, you need to starve these criminal syndicates from ever getting hand on our dollars, that otherwise wasted wealth could go directly back into society, we have to do it, if we dont do it, it just goes to show how behind we are in evolution, make go viral its time !!
