Podcast: Iran's secret affair with Al Qaeda

The shia molla regime is even worse than what you hear in this report, much much worse, the truth is, you have to live it to know it, I once were on their side till I saw what they were, how dirty they operate, I mean as anti scripture as it gets, they are that bad, much worse than what is being told in this clip, so if you support the molla regime for any other reason than (faith), I understand you, because the old saying goes, an dirty river seeks out and equal filthy river, you are corrupt like they are, so I understand you but if you support them over faith in God, let me give you a couple of well chosen words, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED ! fait in God and the Messengers the Prophets has nothing to do with this, this is about serving their master Eblis Satan, because there is no other explanation for it with what they do, you all also know where the Talibans get their finances from, its also from the heroin trade, and you think God will bless groups of people like these criminals, you better wise up friend ! the best of humanity is spread around the world intentionally by God for it not to get stuck into tribal thinking and what can and will keep you back from everything that could be achieved on all levels, so if I were you, I would have stopped listening to any of these cult leaders and war lords and straight out greedy criminals, they are there ONLY to serve themselves, thats why they keep lying to you constantly and also actively trying to withhold information available from you to keep you standing by the only thing you know that is your tribe, this much these cult leaders will always remind you of every other thing they keep hidden for you and even punish you for seeking knowledge with restricting you from the rest of the world what God had intended, so you see, they are the devils described in all Holy Scriptures, the only thing missing is the two horns and there you got them, they are right there in front of you, you couldnt recognize them because you lived with them, so we shouldnt blame them cult followers too much because it could happen to any of us, but now its time to wake the hell up, stop supporting these self serving criminals, thats all you have to do, you think you can do that ?? I hope so, good luck ! :)
