Rouhani: End of Trump Administration Will Make Conditions More “Favorabl...

There is something about these mollas that just bugs me, it has something to do with their dishonesty and blanten lies, the whole idea of the nuke deal was for Iran to open up, THAT WAS the main idea, the idea was for them to open up and join the rest of the world community, but it was all a lie and here is why and its embedded in the core of this shia ideology, this molla ideology cannot coexist with mankind because at the core of its theology is to wage a war with the Jews and Israel, if they mollas reverse course on this then their whole ideology falls apart and they will be irrelevant again, so they cannot do that for any cost, thats was when the grand molla Khomeini the Cursed One back in 1982 two years into the Iran Iraq war when Saddam another Cursed One offered truce and the eldest of the Cursed Ones that is Knomejni refused to accept to end the war and he said, the war has to continue till a Shia molla regime has changed the regime of Iraq, then Khomejni continued saying that the war must not end till Israel and other countries also have changed regimes, this is the core of the shia mollas, look I am going to be super honest here, this will offend some but the truth must be told regardless and I say this because this is how many Iraqi Lebanese Arabs are viewing this, they shia Arabs of these countries, they say this themselves, that the mollas are not Persians but Arabs, so they are pleased to have Arabs ruling Iran, this issue have more racial undertones than many of you have any understanding about, you know during Iran Iraq war, half of the shia Iraqis were actually voluntarily fighting long side Saddams forces because the Shia Iraqis hated the Shia Iranians just because they were not Arabs, only a very few of the Shia Iraqis refused to fight Iran, and these Iraqis after Iran has taken over Iraq are now Iranian loyalists running the show in Iraq, what I am saying is this, the Iraqis are NOT that innocent as many of you thought, they have screwed up time after time over and over again for many reasons, religious racial geo political, its a never ending story with these people and thats a fact, the question is, how do we set things right, well thats a difficult question because everything is upside down with these people and how they have arranged everything, this is why corruption is the main sickness they can never free themselves from, there are many good people honest people there too and these are the ones I am reaching out to, not anyone else, I only want the good guys, the rest I have no feelings for, and remember friends, I KNOW these people very good, I know everything about them, I have met the best and the worst of them, ok I have never met any of them that were good, I only met the worst of them and the worst of them wert I swear to God, their shia religious cult followers, truth be told, I never ever liked any of their religious shia cult followers, I always saw them as corrupt and wicked truth be told, but because I was living in a dirty world they had created around me, I thought this has to be something normal I guess, with a world full of filthy scumbags, the world these Luciferians created around me doesnt have to the New World that we all deserve, this is whatever happens I will never ever have peace with these very disturbed ideologies, I just cannot have that if I can help it, at the same time I am not going to bug President Biden and his administration about whatever they want to do with the mollas of Iran in the future with the nuke deal, I will stay out of it but if they want my advice I say, keep sanctioning them, make sure medicines reach them but thats it, because the more you empower these mollas the higher wall and fences they will build around the Iranian people making them less likely to escape their captors and revolution also less likely, but when President Biden is in the WH, I will talk less about this issue and let him take care of business the way he sees appropriate, but there is still two full months till that day and I intend to use this time to lay it all out there for people to recognize the massive threat from these shia mollas, because they are suicidal and must be treated accordingly.
Human rights issues must be at the forefront of the Biden Harris administration, because this is what it is all about, we wont be able to change the world if we very strongly does not deal with this fundamental issue, its about the dignity of man and women to be treated as free human beings, I would urge President Biden to stand firmly on this issue and dont budge an inch, this issue is what will heal the world and we must fight for this cause, its everything, so I would like to see if the mollas want to do any kind of deal, they have to come in terms that, this world is no longer governed by crazy people who think they can do anything with us staying silent, it wont happen, so I say in the next deal, the human right abuses by these shias in Iran has to be dealt with, or there shouldnt be any new deal or any deal for that matter.
