See Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's reaction to the election

The Progressives were wonderful in this race and did what they were supposed to do, much of the credit must be applied to them and I know even though they wanted to criticize some of the conservatives for jumping over with some of their policy ideas, the Progressive kept their mouth closed and didnt say much, and I would like to see this trend continue and widen the coalition and trust me, we are going to get universal healthcare and do the other great things we have talked about, but in order to do all that, we need the approval of two thirds of the American people, and because the Progressives were this disciplined and worked hard to get where we are, they must have very respectable positions in this new government, otherwise we wouldnt have done them justice, and we are the people of justice for all, its not just a phrase we use , we say what we mean and we do what we say, its an old Justice League saying btw ;)
To AOC ! I know it has been difficult hearing some of what you have heard in those halls and outside it but you have to proceed and be stronger than you think you are, you have already come a long way and cant go anywhere now :) the country needs you :) you have done brilliantly in my view.
