Smerconish: The election is over. Now comes the hard part

We shouldnt make a big deal out of this because it will just go on to hurt the party, the election is over and now its time to STAY united ! as the saying goes, its harder to keep your earning than make it, the election was a hard earned victory, keeping it together will be the hard part, and I dont like people on the far right side of the Dem party to go after the core of the party that is the left, this is a fact, without the Progressives we wouldnt be here this is something that must not be forgotten, they deserve a fair share of the seats in the party, people will have equal share, this is how we operate, this is how we will be and remain so, the Progressives dont want to take this criticisms on themselves that some of the rhetorics they used was harmful, they should man up to that and then leave it as such instead of making unrelated arguments, just say some of the things said was not the best things to say and move on, and that would put all criticism directed at them at rest, because the Progressives must also listen to other colleagues from other districts and heed their concerns, this is how a healthy body  that is our party should reason, we are all in this together and we would like to keep it that way, it is no secret that the Reps is working its butts of to stow division with in the party, dont give them that, give them the opposite of what they would love to see, we just won the most important election in history, lets continue celebrating it for four whole years, lets look like the winners we are because we have already started the campaign for the next coming elections, we must show the world a unified image so they feel comfortable taking their time hearing us and perhaps listening to us and even better voting for us and being part of the greater good, the main objectives and policy proposals of the Progressives is what 80% of the American people wants, we know this, the messaging is flawed not the policies, the messaging needs a little bit more fine tuning thats all, thats what people objected to, if we can get this small little part right then its home run baby :)
Lets continue celebrating because we have alot to be thankful for, we are thankful for all who stood firmly from the left to the right side of the party and if everyone kept their cool, I am confident we will reach places and do all the good things ahead of us, but we MUST stay united !! and dont forget to have fun doing it ! :) 
