Stephen Challenges President Barack Obama To A Game Of "Wastepaper Baske...

NOT cool Colbert !! not cool at all, because you lied to President Obama when he asked you if you have practiced or not and you said you have not, but a big fan as I am of your show, I know how much you have practiced throughout the years throwing paper balls into a basket, because I have seen you do it over hundred times man, Colbert !! in fact also you have bragged about it on your show to your wife  and to the audience, I dont know what the hell the Secret Service were up to with their vettings, they should have known you are good at this when you tricked my favorite president into thinking you are new at it, I demand a rematch ! and the Secret Service better do better with their vettings next time, because everyone know, Stephen Colbert is the master of paper basketball, thing, :)
