Tehran Friday Sermon: It Doesn't Matter Who Forms U.S. Government; The R...

And you want to give sanctions relief to these people ?? I dont think so, the mollas MUST stop in all their satanic luciferian sermons to their cult followers stop mentioning war of any kind with others, if they dont lay off this rhetoric, there will never ever be any sanctions relief of any kind, in fact we will isolate them further, I am sorry to announce this to the Iranian people but your molla overlords are just a mistake only you can reverse, I will be there to help with whatever you need, but there will be no sanction relief with a Shia molla death cult that wants to wipe another nation of the map, sorry I cant go along with that and you shouldnt either, dont let this satanic cult drag you down further, you can and you MUST do much much better than these molla criminals, good luck !
