'The Five' slam Sanders for saying 'most Americans support far-left agenda'

You know what I am not jealous of but feel I have a need for ? of the countries out there where their healthcare is good enough for their royals as for the working class people in those countries and its lot cheaper, they do it for half of the price or less in Europe and everyone is covered, from their monarchs to the working class people, healthcare doesnt have to be this expensive you know, a five hour operation for a million bucks, are you kidding me, where does all that money go to I wonder, the point is, if the country is not feeling optimal, it wont be able to reach its full potential, only a healthy population is a productive one, we cant rely on the service sector, we need people at work where work can be found and its the elected officials to make sure the body they have been given authority over works optimally and in good health, like they would with their own families, this is not socialism this is common sensism, guys ! c mon :) 
