Watch Sanders' reaction to Trump refusing to concede

I dont think the question should be to go more to the left or more to the center right, I believe each side should have equal say depending on how large that side is inside the party, like a mini congress inside the party, same rule should apply here, that would be fair, because we are trying to help everyone keep it together, the center right cannot push the left aside and vice versa, the job of a president or any leader is to be a fair power distributor, thats a leader for you, and Uncle Joe is such a leader, he will be fair and as Sen Sanders said, people in the party are in agreement of 15 dollar minimum wage the role of unions healthcare for all investing in green tech prison reform all the good stuff, so the Progressives have done excellent been a force for good with Sen Sanders leading the way as always :) may he live a hundred years, Amen :)
