Why Black voters turned out for Joe Biden

I dont think the BLM movement helped in this election getting Joe Biden elected, I believe the African American folks and those for justice for the blacks and everyone else would still have came out in the same numbers in support for Uncle Joe, I believe what some of the BLM did during the protests was not helpful, I believe if they just had been more photogenic in terms of making Mr Trump be seen as terrible as he is, we could have got more votes, what I want to see is people more like those who set up neighborhood parties block parties and demonstrate more like that than engaging with the police and some of the bad images we saw and heard, again in the name of justice for our black people, I hope our young people are smarter than some of the so called grownups in instances like this, look the evidence was proven, even more black folks and brown folks voted for Mr Trump this time than in previous election, that should tell you all you need to hear, I am most supporting of black rights but this BLM business going on, I do not support it, I believe they did more harm than good, and I stand by that, we could have done so much better, I hope this will be a lesson for next time, because we have to radically improve our image during these four years with Joe Biden as President and by that I mean fixing some of the major issues at hand, on the arguments that was used against us, like when they say going green is the end of the world, we have to prove to them, going green is profitable its money in it, its jobs in it, it brings in a whole new sector of jobs we desperately need, there is a lot of sun in this country, producing solar panels makes sense, going electric makes sense, instead of just burning the biofuels, we could use it in new concrete buildings that makes a structure last for yes a thousand years, makes it safer living in it it makes it cheaper, there are a whole range of things we can use oil from deep down for instead of burning it, all this makes for great industries, Mr Trump cannot see that far, he is not good for the industries of this country, all he wants is to give government subsidies to some of richest companies and he things thats the way to do it for as long as there are subsidies to give these companies, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is the future ! :) 
