60 Minutes Archives: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

I want to take this opportunity and countless others in the future and ask for forgiveness of the Iranian people for so many decades covering for these criminals running the show in Iran, I know how much I have disappointed you and let you down and not only the Iranian people but the free world too b allowing these molla thugs to grow more than they should have, what I can promise you is this, I will make it up to you by letting the whole world finally recognize what these mollas are made from, made from the darkest of the worst there is, Ahmadinejad say he is a Muslim but here is something all you Muslims should know, you have no clue most of you that there are all too many luciferians who seek themselves into these major Abrahamic faiths and others to deliberately distort the message of God and His messengers by falsely interpret holy texts then later to spread these false ideas around to again deliberately mislead believers, like there are many mollas many muftis that has dedicated their whole lives to do just that, you have no idea how many times I have heard shia mollas so directly with an agenda to corrupt repeat the most outrageous claims, and these losers are some of the top in the shia molla hierarchy, same thing is happening with in all denominations not only amongst Muslims but the Jews and Christians too, trust me my friends when I say, I do recognize a luciferian when I see one, trust my judgment when I say these are evil as advertised, Ahmadinejad is sitting there saying he is a religious person yet the man has never told the truth about anything and also as matter of fact, his government was the most corrupt (on the record) in Irans molla history, you need to know how crafty these mollas are with their messaging, dont be suprised, all cults have an excellent messaging apparatus a very disciplined one, this is how they operate, these criminals, and look how they govern these supposedly 'very' religious people, look at Iran look at Pakistan look at all these countries, it seems the more 'religious' they go the more corrupt they also go, so obviously something is wrong here, I say, these criminals are using faith to take cover behind and make you feel guilty for criticizing them, and with that you are allowing them to keep looting whatever blood drop is left in whatever body doesnt matter, this is the nature of corruption and you let it go on, dont blame yourself too much we all made mistakes.
Ahmadinejad is a very manipulative person you need to know at least this, if you are not an Iranian you wont be able to read what he is really like what he really is saying, take it from me, he is rotten corrupt and yes evil, its might sound compelling when you hear him criticizing America in many wrong doings but here is the thing, the shia mollas would do lot worse thing if they shoe was in the other foot, make no mistake over it, you dont want lunatic regimes like the mollas like the Saudis like the CCP and the Soviets and others to be in the position America has, they are seek to replace us with what they have in mind, but over my dead body, this has to be clear, they will fall and be humiliated in the process :) 
The world has to unite against all kinds of corruption, this we have to promise to one another, its the least we can do, we have to do it, we have no other choice, Evil is on the march, dont be naive like the left and the libertarians with no foreign policies, in fact what they are suggesting is straight up dangerous, they dont see or want to see or for other reasons see not that an alliance of lunatic regimes is getting assembled while these naive folks wants to stop engaging this Alliance of Evil around the world, if these naive citizens would only listen for a day what Chinese tv personalities are saying what they would like to see, they should also listen how in what tone the mollas and the Soviets and other enemy of freedom and liberty are programming their citizens with, with war rhetoric, on their English speaking propaganda channels they tone the rhetoric down to a level that makes you feel guilty for all the troubles in the world as an American, and they also use American and western hosts to view their programs in the language you understand make it sound even more compelling, you need to know, all these propaganda channels are state run, state run by the most corrupt regimes out there, I am not saying our western channels are perfect in any way, we have hypocrites all over the place, but at least we have some kind of democratic rules people need to follow, over there, its a one cult rule and thats it, there is nothing else but that, and you wanna take their words with any value, look friends, this is real, we cannot stop engaging adversaries because, you all know if they could wipe us out, they would in a blink of an eye, dont believe them when they say they only seek to have a fair engagement with the west same rules for all, these corrupt regimes, what fairness do they offer their own citizens that they would offer you, they are already hacking and stealing technologies that has cost us millions of job losses, you are already suffering and not being aware of it, let me end with this, please dont be naive, we must never fall behind, there is no behind in my view, we have a future to build and I dont want it to remind any of what these losers have in mind, we want to set mankind free while they seek to spread corruption till there is nothing left, we shouldnt let them get what they want, its out of the question.
