How will US president-elect Biden deal with Iran? | Inside Story

I dont think we should make the crumbling molla regime into something they are not, they are in disarray they are scared like never before these mollas and they know their end is approaching by the day, this is reality, thanks to the sanctions their weapon manufacturing capabilities has weakened, they dont produce weapons like before and thats a good thing, the world is safer with them hiding in caves or underground like Nasrala of hezbola, (Party of Satan) and I hope the Israelis get him too, I really do, I know what kind of scumbags they are, wherever they go they bring their corruption their fesad an Arabic word for supreme corruption with them, look what they did with whole of Lebanon with Beirut, look what they are doing in Iraq, talk about supreme corruption, people of the Middle East are all tired of these criminals these warlords these dictators with these who spread falsehoods about faith in God instead they have made themselves and their cult leaders worthy of worship when they are nothing but the worst mankind has to offer.
We must stand with the good people of these countries instead of making their cult leaders something they are not, we shouldnt be afraid of anything just say it like it is, they are not even worthy of calling themselves human beings, they are wolves in sheeps clothing and people have had enough of them, they are nothing but trouble.
