Iran: People will 'take revenge' for Soleimani's death, daughter says *E...

Your father was a corrupt and a criminal and his judgment day began right after his death and he will go to Hell for the blood of many innocent people he had killed, your father was the Al Baghdadi of the shia IRGC which is doing to innocent Iraqi people what ISIL did, YOUR damn father brainwashed naive Afghan boys to fight and die for his wars all over the Middle East, your father was a coward afraid of Iranian fathers and mothers to give them the news of their slayed boys in Iraq and Syria, your damn hypocrite of a father never mentioned a word of what the Chinese Communist Party is doing with Muslims in China, enslaving them, forcing them to commit acts against their faith, your hellish father is on his way to Hell and so will his disgusting descendants and anyone willing to take that path along with him.
Hell with you and all like you.
I am going to expose you for what you really are, I promise you this.
