Iranian FM Zarif: “Biden’s America Will Be Obligated to Rejoin JCPOA”

0:50 this proves my point that the molla regime and their cult members like Javad Zarif, Ahmadinejad all share one and the same dirty spirit, you just heard Javad Zarif show his actual evil face when he prayed to God for America to be wiped out, this is what they want, so I dont understand why the Europeans and some Americans encourage this unclean molla regime that seeks to have ALL wiped out not just Israel but America and Europe too if they would have it their way, the molla regime cannot be trusted, I suggest what I always have suggested, just ignore them and sanction them further, this is the only way, and this is very serious what I am about to say, if they go nuclear, I firmly propose they get nuked gradually starting with some of their remote military bases till they get the point, I am for that, what I am not for is for them to have a free range with any of their activities, truth be told, I want the molla regime wiped out every single one of them, the good people in Iran and the rest of the world must unite against this Evil that is the shia molla regime, dont be naive folks, most of you have no idea what you are dealing with with these mollas, most of you have no idea how rotten and corrupt and anti God these shia mollas are, dont make the mistake by supporting anything molla, or you will do humanity a huge disfavor, you are basically hurting yourselves by standing with the mollas anywhere in the world, their theology is straight out of Hell too for that matter, I have told you about the pedophilia cult active in Iran under the cover of IRGC, I have told you about the prostitutes they have in their ranks and used as spies, I have told you about the corruption their luciferian doctrine they follow behind the cameras, I have told you about the sex orgy parties these mollas and their families are involved with while they ban people to even show their hair in public, look these shia mollas ARE actual luciferians, I am NOT throwing this term around for fun, I mean it, they actually worship Eblis Satan, this is at least what I have witnessed with my own eyes, believe it or not, I have God as my witness, so I dont need any of you hypocrites to believe me, I have the Highest Power in the existence as my witness, and thats all I need, I dont know about you but I know what I know and I am comfortable about it.
