Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif Denies Sending Afghan Figh...

Zarif is lying his minds of, but the criminal cult follower that he is no surprise he is the way he is, I can swear to God Almighty as my witness about what I have seen with my own eyes in Syria regarding these Afghan kids fighting there.
I saw NOTHING but Afghan teenagers mainly, some were a bit older but the vast majority of those I saw were under twenty, the Afghans in Syria are not just fighting, they are lower level administrators running things too. Every day I saw hundreds of Afghan kids coming to the local mosque in line to get in (each day) to mourn the death of their friends, and what I saw outside this mosque with a long line of nothing but Afghans, no Iranians, I swear to God, I didnt even see one Iranian in military uniform, only Afghans, and the way their senior Afghan commander was beating them, insulting them, honest to God this is true, they were beaten like cattle in a que line and I couldnt believe what I saw the way they were treated, the obvious thing was that, their lives meant nothing at all for their commanders, these kids were sent there to fight the mollas war and die there, all I saw was a bunch of naive innocent boys dying for these molla criminals and for this devil Zarif whom is lying like he always does, and you heard Zarif say a couple of days ago how close Iran (the mollas) are to the Chinese Communist Party when Zarif said, the relationship between the CCP and the mollas are close to heart than blood to its vanes,  I have said this and I will say it again, these satanic mollas are truly evil, they are NOT God fearing, otherwise they wouldnt have sided with CCP and any criminals who are ready to keep their (the mollas) backs, I strongly and very firmly urge all Afghans to STOP standing with the mollas, they ARE your enemies, you need to stop being naive, stand with the good guys who wants to set you free, not like those who are sending you top do their dirty works and die for them, treat them like the enemies they are to not just you but to God as well.
The mollas of Iran and many fo their people in Iraq and Syria in Lebanon are truly evil and corrupt as it comes, but corruption is not the only issue here, they are dirtier than you ever could imagine, I have seen what they are, the IRGC is not better than the CCP, hezbola is NOT better than any other drug trafficing criminal group, I pray to God hundred time a day for their destruction, join me and pray for that to come sooner, Amen.
