Is Iraqi PM able to confront pro-Iran militia? | Inside Story

The fact of the matter is, every single one of these militias are controlled by the mollas of Iran, there are NO unidentified new 'resistance' groups in Iraq, every single one of them were created by the IRGC and controlled by them, what people need to understand is, the vast majority of the Iraqi people want these terror cults gone, and we must stand with the Iraqi people on this, Iranian mollas right now control everything in Iraq, they have taken over basically everything there, Iraq is NOT a sovereign country, its in the view of the mollas part of Iran this is how they sees it, I agree with the American guest, the molla regime is very fragile, they are NOT as strong as they want to make it look, look, what I am saying is the truth, 85-90% of the Iranians themselves would very much like to see these mollas hanged and their cult followers, just as almost as many Iraqis would like to these this happening in both Iraq itself and in Iran, if you stand with the mollas, just know this, you are in the minority, you are one of the 10% that stands with these mollas, the mollas are about to collapse and we must support these true freedom fighters, this is what we must do, we cannot allow Iraq to turn into another molla country.
I have proposed if any attack by any of these militias, we must make them pay ten times more in damages on their bases and take out their leaders, from the top to bottom, this is what needs to be done with even more sanctions coming, dont give them any free room or you will make this lot worse.
