King of Sweden says country 'failed' on Covid response

If you still question my anger over this asshole you see and his pedophile criminal luciferian cult after everything I have revealed to you then something is definitely wrong with you, but let me elaborate further on the crimes of this son of a bitch here so you can have a better clue of what they put me through.
in 2001-2002 I believe it was, that witch the shia mollas gave my custody too pretending to be my mother came to me and pretended she was troubled, I asked her what the problem was and she said, her brother Shahram wanted to move from Iran to Sodom (sweden) and she pretended it was basically a matter of life and death, so naturally I asked if there is something I can do here, and she indirectly said, his wife, another REAL witch, and thats the thing, all the women and men in the Yaghobian family that is her brothers and sisters are all REAL witches, and her brothers are ALL married to witches from other luciferian families, but thats another story I will return to in time, so when she said the only way to get him to Sodom was for me to marry his wife and bring her to Sodom that way, and out of my kindness I offered to help her with that, so I married the bitch and brought her ass to Sodom, little did I knew back then that it was a conspiracy against me, the idea was for me to marry her bring her to Sodom then for these luciferians to have me murdered so that my wealth would legally go to them, and Sweden was the instigator of this, this pedophile king and his gang of child molesters were equally behind this conspiracy, I have told you how close these shia mollas are to their luciferian peers in Sodom, because right after my 'marriage' to that whore, the assassination attempts started to get real serious, but I didnt knew where it came from, but that aside, thent he bitch the wife of Shahram her brother went back to Iran and on paper I was still 'married' to this witch, so I went to court to divorce her, and here is how corrupt even their courts are, they refused to divorce us, the reason was they still wanted me to stay 'married' to her and while I was still in Sodom, I was still in their trap, they still thought had a chance to have me murdered so that the shia mollas and the Sodomites could share my wealth amongst themselves, the courts said, even tough Sevda the wife of Shahrams wife whom I was 'married' to had left Sodom for over ten years, the corrupt court demanded that she came back to Sodom for court hearings, they knew of course she would never come back and that was the whole plan, they didnt want us to go to courts, they only wanted more time to have me murdered, but look at me now, I left that shit hole of a country Sweden and here I am, stronger than ever before ;) these fucks messed with the wrong King and I will make them pay in time, the Sodomite king WILL fall on his knees before me asking for mercy, I have said this and I will stand by my word, not only him the corrupt judges and all their elites too, I promise them this, these pedophiles are the worst there is, they used my kindness against me, this they have always done, in time they will face another side of me, again this is a promise !!!
As you can understand there are many issues I have with these monkeys, not only is this king and his people accused of attempt to murder, they also provisioned me, I was their guinea pig you can say, they and their hospitals did everything they could with me, I dont know what they put in me but it messed up my chemical balance in my body, one of the side affects was skin issues, I got as one thing hemoroider with my butthole itching like hell, but I never went to the hospital because who likes someone to look in your asshole, I know I dont, so finally I went to the doctor, I had to check it out because it was bothering me badly, these pedophile fucks had me under surveillance all the time, which I didnt knew back then, when I visited this asshole of a doctor whom for some reason hated my guts right when he saw me, I didnt knew why, I just experienced hate from him, I will get my hands on him in time too, but next to him was this Swedish blond bitch I have seen before somewhere but I couldnt place her, she was pretending to be a nurse but it was obvious she wasnt, I later found out who she was, her name is if I am correct Sara, and she belongs to one of the luciferian families in Sodom, that whore came there to the clinic ONLY to take a closer look at my asshole, this is serious friends, so when they found out I had an appointment at the clinic she came over pretending to be a nurse to again take a look at my asshole, this is how corrupt their institutions are in Sodom, this Sara and her family WILL come to pay for their crimes, when I am finished with her, her head will end up in her fathers asshole and so much more, this will NOT go unanswered, her family will be known by the whole world because I am not finished with them.
I have much more to say friends, but I hope you have been more informed why I HATE Sweden and its people, just as I basically hate the Shia Iranian people, those of the luciferian kind that is, there are good people everywhere but they are few in numbers, those shit hole of countries are run by the real evil luciferians.
I say it again, I am NOT married to anyone no matter what the Sodomites and the shia mollas say this is not true !!! and I am NOT dying anytime soon either, I will be around for a long long time, and I want justice, or the world can go to Hell for all I care, if there are not enough good and honest people, then this planet is doomed to be absolutely destroyed beyond recognition.
I say this again, I am NOT doing this for my own sake, I care very little for this life, life will start after we have left this world, thats the real life, thats the beginning, so I am not seeking wealth fame power, I care noting for that as God as my witness, He knows what I am saying is the truth, so He appointed me to set the record straight, and I intend to do just that, and if you dont like what I stand for, then get away from me because I never knew you, Gods judgment will come and if people dont get it as serious as it is, then this planet is doomed to fail and never to be heard of ever again, if I was you, I would have taken what I said very seriously, and if you dont believe me then fine, you made your choice, justice WILL get serve one way or another, there wont be many second chances. 
