Loeffler, Warnock face off at Georgia debate; Ossoff debates empty lecte...

I was watching the whole debate between the honorable Rev Raphael Warnock a man of God and Kelly Loeffler a corrupt individual who has never opened any Holy Book last century to look for guidance and perhaps some wisdom last night and it was obvious to me that Kelly Loeffler lacks a simple thing like a soul, her expressionless face spoke volumes and said everything her words was hiding in her accusations like when she tried to smear and connect Mr Warnock with child molestation, she is a despicable little soulless corrupt demon with no integrity other than her corrupt activities when she took advantage by dumping millions of stocks in illegal transactions while she and David Perdue opposed to sign a bill that would grant the innocent citizens of Georgia with some economical relief with a couple of hundred of dollars, these corrupt rich people dont even have the eyes with good intentions to even allow their own people to have any kind of relief while taking advantage of the position they have been given by the trust of the same people they are now screwing up from all angles, Georgans need something way better than these two perhaps the most corrupt senators in the US Senate, I do hope they wont get re-elected.
And David Perdue didnt even show up for his televised debate, this is unheard of, just skipping a national debate, what is it that he is trying to hide from the people, his ugly face.

Georgia ! you can do better than this, I hope you dont pick a man of God with a Bible in his hand over a greedy soulless rich individual that would most definitely go to Hell for how she has corrupted her office and not to talk about David Perdue a coward that excused himself from showing up for his televised national debate, all he wants from you is to blindly cast your vote for him so he can go back to whatever the hell he was doing for his own gain, its all up to YOU now Georgia, its all up to you, dont sit this one out, you NEED to not only vote yourself, you need to bring ALL in the family and friends to do the same, good luck Georgia ! we are counting on YOU, do the right thing !!!
