McConnell blocks effort to quickly increase stimulus checks

What more do you need to know how to vote in Georgia now after what you saw how McConnel just blocked the bill to even be voted on in the senate, McConnel and those wealthy people like him has never ever struggled with any financial difficulties in their lives and you expect them to have empathy for you who are not wealthy and rich as he is, he didnt even let the bill get a fair chance, the man is NOT fair and just, make sure you vote them out in Georgia next week no matter if you have voted Rep before, they buy their fearmongering and rhetorics about communism and such, none of it is true, they are lying to you to get your vote so they can continue making America weaker, I hate to say this but what party has taken us to wars around the world but the Reps, what party has made the deficit to be at the level it is today but the Reps and now when the people are in need of help, guess who is not there to assist you, the Reps again, conservatism has NOTHING to do with any of this, I am a conservative also, but I also want the country to stay healthy and strong and that includes all its people, this is true conservatism not the phony one they hide behind, you have two senate candidates that would care for how well you are doing instead of keep enriching themselves with corrupt practices in Georgia, make sure for your own sake cast your vote for them this time around and I promise you, things will get much much better with the right people in office, dont vote in these super wealthy people, vote for the ordinary guy people like yourself because only they know how you are doing and feeling, these other super wealthy people wouldnt even shake your hand if they didnt have to and you know it, so why are you keep supporting these people who wouldnt even look you in the eyes and give you a honest answer, dont look up to them because they are looking down on you for not being in their so called league. 
