Peru defends its waters as Chinese boats are accused of illegal fishing

We need a united front against the CCP, with their eating habits of endangered species when there is everything else to choose from and the wealthier they get, they just keeping destroying everything around them and when that is gone they seek themselves to other peoples waters and capture everything there too, we NEED to start rethink our priorities here, is everything for sale or are somethings worth preserving for future generations, why hasnt this United Front not yet been established ??

Let me remind you all that God does NOT like excessiveness, He has warned about it, and what is more wasteful than cutting the fins of a shark and dump 95% of the rest of the body into the sea just so that some idiots like to eat that damn shark soup of theirs, what a wasteful philosophy they cherish, there is no philosophy about it its just a backwards wasteful and destructive and also very sinful way of life and God will come with the just judgment for them, they can count on it.   
