See Obama's warning to progressives

I think its just unfortunate that some on the far extreme left are willing to jeopardize this victory and everything that could be achieved over their stubbornness, the extreme far left like the extreme far right they both live in their own little bubble and they just cannot or want to believe their way of reasoning is not applied by all other citizens, I call this stubbornness because I know the far extreme left are intelligent enough to very strongly criticize the other side if they would have adopted a misleading term to describe an idea if they were in the other guys shoes, we know people are susceptible to any kind of BS when they are undecided and these misleading terms have been damaging by at least forcing a few percent of the people top vote against the Progressive agenda, we know that, but as stubborn as some of the far left they dont want to acknowledge the damage done, I blame the mainstream media and some of their incompetencies when they echo their slogans over and over again, so there even CNN has to share some of the blame here amongst others, this is positive criticisms take it to your heart its good for you, I think from everything I have learned from all parties and sub parties from both sides is that the Progressives are the worst team players of them all, I will stand by this statement, look I have done what I could to promote Progressive candidates all over, so I have done my part, but it looks like we have grown apart, I hate to say it, its too much chaos on the field where one side is doing its own thing despite all expert advice offered by many, I think if this continues in my view there is only one viable option here, is to disregard anything Progressive the perhaps 20% of the Dem party and go more to the center where people are more reasonable and more collected, because the new administration has not been installed before the Progressives are trashing it, my view has always been, any extreme end of things are not good for our healths, this is evident from everything we have seen because at the far end of anything you know giving and winning some and losing to get some is not how they operate, with this much hate at any extreme end of things from both sides it leaves us no option to seek the folks at the middle of the road folks, people that could be very useful to unite the country and its elected officials so we could in good spirit get legislation through for the benefit of the American people, because both of us know, if you bring the far side of both sides around the table to even discuss issues we know how that would end, its a waste of time, we need more moderate people be able to even get near that table to sit down with good intentions for the benefit not for themselves but for the millions of citizens who put their trust in them to improve their livelihoods, I believe the undecided the independents many on the right many moderate conservatives would sit down with their moderate liberals to agree how the future could look like if they would be willing to lose some to gain something of value back for the efforts they put into the project, the project is cooperation and unity and friendship everything we would have done for your next pierse on the battlefield in war where all silly personal disagreements would be less relevant when you have your eyes on the bigger goal that is victory and the calm and peace a victory will bring with it, I think we should see this just as that, its NOT us against them, when them are us ourselves, would you hurt yourself of course you wouldnt, not all of you, some of you would willingly or unwillingly, so yes I do agree with what President Obama stated here because he knows, this is a group effort !!! I hope the mainstream media have learned their lesson here so that next time they think over what they are amplifying over the airwaves, overall I am very satisfied with the work CNN has done among many others, I mean it you have done very well, I give you an 8 out of 10 points to CNN, I can see how the mainstream media is changing for the better even Fox News, honestly, they are getting their shit together too, it would take some more time but I would be very happy to see Fox News with a spirit of friendship and cooperation far in the future being very close to all of us, I would like to see a new atmosphere where sure people can express different views and policies but in a good friendly and joyful manner with smile on our faces when we discuss policies between each other, look friends, the eyes and focus of the whole world is right now at America to see how we would do things, and we have a perfect opportunity to get our own acts together and show the way for the rest of the world to adopt some of the ways we have discovered, but telling you the truth, I think the world is laughing at us right now because they know (the world) that we are the ones who need to learn some from them, but we have something no one else have, its our power some has to do with our influence around the world and the free world would like to see us making good use of all these abilities we have and not neglect what others worked hard to put this country where it is, we have a good position, lets not throw it away now that we have come this far, lets just not do that.
I would like to hear from Sen Bernie Sanders and Sen Elizabeth Warren both Elders, I would like to hear what they have to say about this rhetoric around defunding the police, I would like to hear them speaking their minds without holding ANYTHING back, just tell us your professional opinion with complete honesty with no ifs and buts, I have always said, a true friend is not the one who praises you constantly, a true friend is the one who points out your deficiencies for you to improve, and only a smart person would recognize a true friend while the majority would rather like to be lied to, and this is the purpose of life, to separate between the ones who got the point and those who have eyes and ears for other simpler things in life, which category is you, would you like to be lied to or would you rather to face reality as it present itself.
