Trump lashes out at Republicans after they override his veto

Regarding the section 230 and the idea to revoke it, personally I think its just a bad idea and I am not going into it all right now but lets say there will be an agreement to revoke it, you know who will suffer most and who will benefit most again if it gets revoked ? people on the right who say its a good idea to revoke these privliges will be the ones who will suffer most, because, its mainly they who are putting crazy false theories out there on these websites, you know I have been following this development for at least two decades now and I can say, almost all these (false) conspiracy theories and it could be about just about anything, I am not referring to anything particular here just generally, I would say 70-80% of all those videos are by the right wingers paranoid about anything, so if section 230 would be revoked, these people wouldnt be able to put their crap out there and mislead people with it, so they would lose more than any other groups out there, again I am NOT advocating for revoke of anything here, in fact I have a brilliant idea to once and for all defeat any fake news out there, and I am keeping it a secret how to do it till the right time, so I am not afraid of any propaganda out there from anyone, let them all speak freely, let them believe in any theories they want, in time they will hear the truth about social issues people are fighting over, but my point was, these Reps, they dont know what they are asking for when they propose a revoke of section 230, they are dumb as hell, these representatives, section 230 will remain as it is, these companies should not be held accountable for what people post on their websites, but they should put measurements in place to remove it as soon as it comes up, this one I absolutely agree with, they must do more and do it fairly.
