A Message from President Donald J. Trump

Now I can say this was the perfect speech, if you had just said what you said here a few days ago everything would have looked different and much better, I have to say things can still change for the better if you President Trump goes to the inauguration where everyone in picture and for that matter the WHOLE country would like to see you there handing over the presidency to President Elect Joe Biden, and I promise you that all in the greater media will also only say positive things about what people are watching on their screens at home and around the world, people will say, despite everything said and done two great leaders meet on the stage with happy faces and this is what everyone here and around the world will talk about, its a wonderful opportunity to with one simple move change everything for the better like the bad things and done never ever had even been recorded because these new picture will overshadow the past said, I am convinced of that, and like when you said you wont some to the inauguration a week ago what did anyone expect Joe Biden to say after that, he said the expected thing, so people shouldnt take everything that didnt sound very good in the past to heart especially when things can move for the better only if the will is there, so I still invite all parties to say the good words for now and only in this way can the heat be put down, but it takes two to salsa, not with one, you need two, its like like one hand on its own makes no sound, you need two hands, and because both Joe Biden is a great man and because Donald Trump is also a great man I see why they both cannot do the proper thing, traditions is there for a reason, whats what keeps shit together lol with family, lol family is the worst lol but we have to keep it together somehow, even when people wants to kill each other, with in a family people have their rights, for good or worse people have rights, and America is a big family and people have their rights here, again for good or worse, so I think if people can just go back to the basics we will be alright, this is the test, lets see how it goes.
