Energy savings: Heat homes, cool the planet

When you start generating your own electricity and energy, you quickly find out also how to be as efficient as one is forced to be because there is so much you can generate so you have to do with what you got, I in my boat built the most efficient heating system with 95% efficiency, the heat I generate nothing goes to waste, so its almost 100% efficient, I use one gallon of diesel for heating every three days and thats very very good and for electricity I have solar and win generator, the same system could be set up to run a home basically and it would be even more efficient than what I have done here, its more difficult on a constantly moving boat, with that three gallon of diesel each three days, I also have hot water at any point in time, beat that if you can ;) its actually a simple set up, I perhaps will give you a visual tour sometimes and post it on the Internet in the future.
What has to happen is we HAVE TO make our houses more energy efficient right from the beginning and it doesnt have to cost much either, what it will do is a house run on cheep and thats what you want, its good for you and for everyone else too so these are the things this new administration has to look close into and see what can be done and a whole lot can be done, I have many many suggestions how to do things more energy efficient that will cost us nothing but the return will be substantial, I will present these ideas in the future.
