Is China changing its strategy towards decoupling from the world economy...

The CCP is ACTUALLY  grave threat to all of us, America and Europe we are basically one and the same people, we share the same values, not the Sodomites in the north, they have another set of values with all the heinous things going on up there, but the rest of us, we are the same and we better start acting that way, the CCP does NOT have an innocent eye on us here, make no mistake over this, they dont like us, have you all seen and heard what their media personalities are saying about us over here brainwashing the innocent Chinese people with, their communist cult state is saying things we over here would never say about any people or we would have been prosecuted for crimes against humanity, but over there, its their bread and butter, in their media, so the playing field is NOT square and fair, you are in fact aiding and bidding with the enemy that would very much like to see us here in the west fall on our knees and yield to them, same things they are doing to their own people, we cannot simply allow one evil cult that is the CCP to have any kind of leverage around our necks, cant be allowed, we must start improving our own economies over here an STAY independent or this Beast in the east will grow to the point of stopping them taking over EVERYTHING will come at such high costs that I am afraid if not done something about it right now already will force many here to finally yield to them and their totalitarian will, I for my part could never allow that to happen, we cant allow the CCP to police the world, you are making a grave mistake of you overlook what things are going at, we need a stronger and a more unified west to stand up against this Communist Beast, when things are great in Germany and in the rest of Europe things are alright with us here to and vice versa, this is how it has to be, its better for the world this way, its better for everyone, those who also share our values, the fact that you wont be executed for being wrong or for being right for that matter, often times people get executed for being right not for being wrong, and these totalitarian regimes, its THEY that MUST change, not us, we have much improvements to fulfill and we are on the right track on that so for us there is still hope and and this hope we cant give up on that, and we are the majority, because we are right in what we say, and the bad guys better watch out, we have to look long term, the CCP is disciplined on that, and we have forgotten our ways, and they are taking advantage of it, this is what is happening, we have to empower our sense of pride and you can only do it around a unified people, and we have our peoples on many continents, so it shouldnt be difficult to do just that once again, in theory its an easy thing to do once again, we did it in the past and it should be easier this time around, we must lift trade barriers make things easier to have access to passages and legislate more restriction on CCP products, like they do with ours, the final point has to be this, we must not lose on any deals made, in fact 51% or more has to go this way before it goes that way, and if they dont like it, they can go and fuck themselves, pardon my French ;) :) love France, they were nice to me, except when they looked to set me up with that mature prostitute, other than that, they didnt bother me, so I am cool with it, I am, if I werent, I would have let you know, but I am cool with it :)  
