Pelosi proposes fines for lawmakers who evade metal detectors

I would argue that the men and women in FBI and other departments whom has been vetted and cleared something elected officials have not been, not gone through all the security presages are obliged to on each day go through security and they are not making such a fuss about it, unless you are a cry baby, what the matter with some of these people, especially when elected members of the congress were directing the insurrectionists to where they should go to do most harm to the Capitol and its other elected members, and now they are complaining about increased security measures, again stop bitching and get back to work and legislate in the favor of the American people and stop waste time with this nonsense, we shouldnt have to spend tv time arguing about these things, God willing when things have returned to a normal perhaps the extra security measures could be removed but for not, its just common sense and people shoulndt make a big deal of it, taking valuable time.
