Rep. Ro Khanna on Holding Trump Accountable | Zerlina. | The Choice

Excellent points, if the right still misrepresent the arguments from the left for being too extreme after hearing one of the prominent voices from the Progressive side then they are just not honest because Rep Ro Khanna was as clear as you can be with regards to the fears many on the right are programming their viewers with, no one wants to silence anyone you are allowed to be wrong in our society, where with regimes out there, they dont tolerate anything, here people have the right to be wrong, otherwise we wouldnt progress and this progress has put us before anyone else, thats why we are great, the greatest, we need to always improve and for that to happen people need to feel they are free too, and that freedom we will hold on tight to, so nobody should worry, just dont incite for violence, so I hope Rep Ro Khannas message is heeded and taken with good faith, I agree with everything he said, sounds great.
