Biden cracks joke when asked about what it's like in White House now

I am not surprised you also have noticed your four weeks felt like four years, you are not alone, reason being is that Time itself is slowing down, didnt they tell you, this is Tribulation times, we have entered this period, just imagine the rest of your term will feel and be like, the world is changing and there will be no easy times ahead of you and the longer you prolong this the less mercy God will bestow upon you, you dont seems to have any idea how this works and how God judges nations and tribes, the fate of Rome is in YOUR hands right now, although I unlike many others know you are far from being the most powerful man in the world or in this country for that matter but at least officially you are the leader of this country and its people, God for good or worse selected you to be the face of this nation and this is a heavy responsibility He left it in your hands for safe keeping what you chose to do with it is entirely in your hands, keep this in mind, God doesnt like cowards, you have only one Master, that is your Maker, fear Him like you have never feared anything before, if you do that and do it well perhaps He will be merciful to you and the people you are leading, dont lead them downhill and destroy this nation and all its people because their fates is in your hands, wise up and grow a pair, look Mr President you are soon 80 years of age, you dont have much time left in these last times fear your Creator and serve Him with everything you have left, you have much to make up for, good luck !
