Britain's Prince Charles visits his father Philip in hospital

Fuck you Charles :):) I really think you should apologize what you have done, and a disclaimer !, it was not the British coast guard that stole my personal belongings, I misspoke, it was their custom personnel, and the things they stole, it was guys stuff, things guys like, small but expensive stuff again guys stuff like survival kits and other things, and I did inform you friends that, the corrupt shrink that misdiagnosed me as reward I saw his ugly face on a TV show four days after, these are the kinds of people I am dealing with, its an institutional corruption and it goes all the way up in the ranks, this is how bad the situation is there, I thought you should know that, and here is the thing, up till that time, I was actually friendly to their royal family and the whole power structure and government, yet they treated me like a criminal, truth be told this is what is happening over there, their royal family and those below them, have chosen the side of the Evil One the Antichrist over me, and you cant have it both ways, so fuck you Charles and all those around you, you piece of shit, Prince Harry and Princess Meghan WILL outshine all of you monkeys and will be the ones people will look up to and not any of you, your hateful racist media brought this upon you and your damn family, you have them to thank for for ALL this mess, if I were you I would have told them to shut the hell up and never ever again speak ill of this two very fine fine people because you will never will the media war, you will lose, you have already lose you just dont know it yet, you old dirty bastard.
