Celebrating Joe Biden on Presidents Day | The View

Look I am a sucker for videos likes this and even though I am a bit disappointed at the situation the way things are right now after everything I have sacrificed for the cause like let me be frank here, in 2015 when I decided to give my support for Obama and I really dont want to get into it all because nothing less than a book with thousands of pages wouldnt do what I have to say justice but let me say this, after my support for Obama, I lost more than half of my supporters, they turned their back at me, even calling me a traitor, and beside calling me a satanist a devil worshiper there is nothing more hurtful you can call me, everything I have gone trough the past six years was caused by that decision, and I mean everything, truth be told, next to the assassinations attempts and around half of a million dollar lost on this all the sleepless nights, honest to God I havent had one single good night of sleep since then, and just recently, because of my open support for Biden I lost my boat slip and now I am roaming around like a gypsy from island to island with all the dangers that comes with it, and after a month into his presidency did he even lift a finger for me, he or Obama, no they didnt, look if I start talking right now, I am afraid I will say a couple of well chosen words to them that cannot be retracted afterwards words that will create a rift between us that will not be healed ever, and with God as our witness and the whole world, if I start talking this would be very damaging to their image, not mine but theirs, and most likely after that the result will be the Dems not winning anything ever again, I think I have to stop here because just thinking about it makes me very upset, one thing is for sure, the conservatives looks to me to have much much more honor than these Dems because they are at least not back stabbers, use you and throw you away after they got theirs, one thing is for sure, I am leaving California for a red state, perhaps Texas or Florida, then you can blame this administration for this, or I will move to another country where you are treated with dignity and respect, I have to say this, in any other country I have gone to, they have treated me better than I have been treated here, even the damn mollas treated me better, seriously just about every other country have treated me better, even in Sweden, I am certain if I move back there they would be good to me, the only people I now put my faith in beside God is the conservatives here, people of faith here, they wouldnt stab me in the back if we stood side by side, so most likely I either will move to a red state or just leave this country and let you deal with all your problems yourselves and good luck with that I say, again I rather not say too much publicly right now but I am this close to have enough with this crap.
Perhaps what this country is in need of is a Third Party, I think this would be what could save this country from self-serving greedy smooth talkers, one thing is for sure, standing with Barak brought me nothing but pain, I am this close to wash my hands of him and those like him.
