Co-Hosts Say Farewell to Hilary Estey McLoughlin As She Exits ‘The View’...

May she rest in peace I am very sorry to hear she wont be around with us :( kidding, I am sure she will continue to do great things in the future :) but on a more serious note, I am in big big trouble laying anchored at the Two Harbors on the Catalina island also called Avalon, but I am at the Two Harbors, near LA in need of assistance, send the cavalry !!! its urgent, bring five 200 wats of solar panels because yesterday I short circuited them all, bummer, and now I have to have the engine running for electricity and no true activist would have his diesel engine running to generate electricity if they could help it, but in times of need, when a man is desperate he sends a SOS call to all friends to get over here with assistance, also bring a new solar charger along with you, at least 50 amps, my previous was 30 amps and it couldnt take the pressure and blew up, but I had a new one in reserve, and when I was about to connect this new one, I accidently connected the cords to the solar input on the charger to the load input and I fried the panels and now I need five new ones, and I am stuck here for a while, so hurry if you can, dont worry about the money, I will pay you, money is not an issue, getting the panels here is the big issue, so if you live near by and reading this and consider yourself a friend of mine, then help me out here, its urgent, thantks :)
