Dog thefts soar by 170% during lockdown

In Sweden at least the vast vast majority of these dog snatchings are committed by Romany gypsies, basically every of these cases I was aware of 95% was done by the Romanies, they even break into peoples homes to snatch the newly born puppies and sell them, they even came to me to sell one at one time, it was a week old French bulldog, I knew it wouldnt survive in their filthy hands so I took it for free but couldnt save it, it died a few days later, never ever leave your dog outside a shop like you wouldnt do it with your child, because if they could they would steal it to and sell it for a buck or two, shops must allow pets to enter their stores and if they dont, they should be boycotted in my view, doesnt mean you can walk in with your pet at just any place but people should be open for pets to follow their owners so they wouldnt be left outside and be at risk.
